art videos of beCo, 1988 - 2005

from the artbooks:  videos...

     ...and super8-films

“kader 2005”
The visite of George W. Bush and his wife Barbara in Mainz febraury 2005:
Barbara Bush in acompany of cancler Schroeders wife Doris have been visiting the dom.
Original video from beCo; Video loop with phase shift -   6’22’’.

kader 2005 - video abspielen  daemon - video abspielen 

“daemon”:   - 1989 -
text: beCo.
Knocking at rocks from concrete buildings, press holes in it, shoot. A spot to the interim point of view will be settled, before you clean up your harddisk...
- dauer:  1’35’’.

“paiks ufer”   - 1991 -
high-culture meets underdog - video-interpretation to the sound-sculptur “paiks shore” - a hommage to “nam yun paik”.
(examn in fine arts 1991)
-   7’16’’.


“kratzfilm”:   - 1984 -
my first film, hand-scratched to kodack-S8 material. random soundings based on improvisations to bela bartocks mikrokosmos by beCo. -  1’15’’.


“illuminati”   - 1988 -
videocollage aus dem zyklus “one second in my mind. industrialMetal”.
- dauer:  2’55’’.


“habemus papam”:   - 1988 -
videobearbeitung von S8 material vom staatsbesuch von papst johannes paul II vor dem dom zu muenster; original and video by beCo. -  3’15’’.

All Rights preserved by beCo ©